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Mich. native places third on dance show

October 1, 2009


Evan Kasprzak, who won third place on “So You Think You Can Dance” season 5, grew up in West Bloomfield idolizing his dancing older brother, Ryan. From there, he learned various forms of dance and applied them to a TV show watched by millions and, currently, a “So You Think You Can Dance” tour. The tour runs until late November and is visiting more than 40 cities nationwide.

The State News How did you get into dancing?

Evan Kasprzak I started dancing when I was 6 years old. I got started because of my older brother, Ryan. He started dancing, and I thought, “If he’s doing it, then it must be pretty cool.” I started dancing and at first I hated it. I had no fun, and stopped, but then decided to give it another shot, and I’ve been dancing ever since. I’m trained in pretty much everything. I started taking dance at a competitive dance studio and took classes in ballet, jazz, tap and modern hip-hop.

SN How do you deal with the fame? Is it overwhelming?

EK It’s a little crazy. Six, seven months ago, I was in school trying to stay awake in class. On TV, weekly, I was seen by millions of people, and now I’m doing a show touring across the country, performing in stadiums full of as many as 10,000 people. It’s very surreal still, but I like to think I’m still a normal college kid. I have this amazing opportunity to share what I love with a lot of people.

SN Is it intimidating performing on the show, knowing that millions of people are watching?

EK It’s very intimidating. Luckily, when you’re in the studio you’re only being watched by about (400 to 500 people), so it’s not quite as in your face. You know there’s millions of people behind the camera lens, but you just see the camera, which definitely helps.

SN What is your preferred style of dance and why?

EK Broadway. I fell in love with Broadway style when I was younger. I remember watching “Singing in the Rain,” watching Gene Kelly and the grace and poise that Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire danced with; it was so impressive, and at the same time, they dance like men. They were strong and masculine while being smooth and graceful. I was drawn to the opposing style within itself. It was really interesting to me.

SN What was the most memorable part of being on “So You Think You Can Dance”? Have you kept the friendships with the other dancers?

EK Definitely. Right now, since I’m on tour with the top 12, I’m kind of forced into keeping in touch; we’re a family for sure. We do try to keep in touch with the other dancers, the rest of the top 20. My most memorable moment from the show was probably the last performance show when we were at the Kodak, standing on stage listening to 3,000 people chant my name.

SN What was the most stressful part?

EK The thing about the show is, each week is different. The challenge within itself is that difference. No two dancers are the same, no two weeks are the same. I kind of try to roll with the punches.

SN Is touring more tiring than being on the show?

EK No, because of the amount of stress we’re under during the show is unbelievable. Now, we’re traveling from city to city, doing six shows a week, which is definitely tiring, and you’re sleeping on a bus, but it’s just different. Touring is more relaxed, you don’t have the pressure and fear that “I could go home this week.”

SN What’s next for you once the tour is over?

EK I have one more semester left in musical theatre at Illinois Wesleyan University. I am planning on finishing that off then heading off to New York to work. I’d love to work on Broadway; getting a Broadway show is definitely one of my dreams, but I’ll take whatever work I can get.

SN Is it hard to keep in touch with your family while on the show and on tour?

EK They tried to come out to Los Angeles as much as they could, but being from the Midwest that’s obviously a little difficult for them. My brothers both are very busy, but they came out as much as they could. When they couldn’t, I tried to make sure I called them at least once every three days or so.

SN What was different about trying out for season 4 and making it further in season 5?

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EK It was great. I was so close in season 4; I made it to top 40, so I was feeling good going into season 5. My brother Ryan came with me, which was awesome to have him there.


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