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Museum could enhance Mich. image

To help with both the city and state’s image problems, Lansing, the state of Michigan and MSU might all be joining forces to update the Michigan Library and Historical Center in downtown Lansing. The large-scale renovation would add — among many other things — rental space for businesses, a 3-D high-definition theater and even a 500 person high school with a curriculum based around technology, entrepreneurship and innovation.

The proposed museum, which wisely would be renamed the Michigan Center for Innovation and Reinvention, is intended to feature Michigan’s emerging technology industry and is likely supposed to be the symbol the state builds itself around.

Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who announced the proposal, could be searching for something to update the image of the state created by the failing auto companies and collapsing industry. Establishing a center dedicated toward Michigan’s future would show that the government is still trying to find ways to bring the state back. A shiny, new facility might seem a little superficial, but the impression a state gives tourists is more important than one would think.

Perceptions about states can hurt them just as much as the realities. States like California are popular because they’re thought of as a more relaxed, wealthy environment even though the state’s suffering a severe budget deficit. If the museum could help shift conversations about Michigan from its economic woes to its rebound, then it could end up paying for itself.

MSU has found a great opportunity to gain some positive impressions as well. In the deal, they might only lose a few historical items to be placed in the center, but would also gain a large portion of the state library’s holdings. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt the university to have its name on a modern museum that’s dedicated to reestablishing Michigan as an economic power.

Although this seems like an excellent draw for all parties involved, there are some concerns with projects as big as this. While it’s good to be thinking about the state’s future, our financial future should be considered as well. As good as a modern museum would be, it could turn out to be costly.

The City Center II project is evidence that even though a plan might potentially help out a city, there’s a litany of hurdles to overcome for everything to be concluded. With so many organizations involved in producing this plan, there are a lot of people that have to be happy with the project. Having so many parties could help relieve some of the financial burden, but could also hinder the proposal’s progress.

This might be the symbol for the state, after all. It would be a shame if we couldn’t even complete this.

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