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Freshmen fifteen Q’s

April 14, 2009

Megan Wallace is a freshman still getting used to being on campus. She sits down with The State News to talk about her time here so far and her experiences, both good and bad, at MSU.

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or fewer, at a new face on campus and her perspective of her new frontier.

Meet Megan Wallace

1. What is the best part about spring?

I really love the rain and the warm weather, that’s my favorite part.

2. What is the scariest thing about being at college?

Meeting new people and having all new friends. That was kind of scary.

3. What is your major?

(Premedical) and possibly chemistry, I’m not really sure yet.

4. What is your major source of caffeine?

From mainly just actual activity like running and that kind of thing. That’s what I do when I get tired.

5. What is the best movie that you have seen in the past month?

“Yes Man.” I think Jim Carrey is hysterical.

6. If you could be anyone famous, who would you be?

I don’t know, I would probably be Reese Witherspoon because I love her acting (in) “Sweet Home Alabama.”

7. If you could drive anything, what could you drive?

Probably one of the new Camaros. My dad got one the other day and it’s pretty sweet. It’s bright blue.

8. Choose: dark chocolate, milk chocolate or white chocolate and why?

Dark chocolate. I love the strong flavor.

9. Sweet or sour?

Definitely sour. I’m a big fan of my tongue feeling like it’s fried off.

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10. What are some good words to live by?

Live, laugh, love. It’s the only opportunity you have to live.

11. Is reality TV real or fake?

Definitely fake. I did watch the “Rock of Love Bus (with Bret Michaels;)” it’s pretty bad.

12. What is your favorite thing to eat on campus?

My favorite thing to eat on campus is definitely Gumby’s (Pizza) — the pokey sticks.

13. What most attracts you to the opposite sex?

Probably smile or eyes — blue.

14. What is a recent dream you had?

I dreamed that I slept through my class and I actually slept through it.

15. Early to bed, early to rise, or not at all?

Late to bed and early to rise.


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