Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Izzo appreciated by all of E.L. community, MSU students

This is the only avenue I have to get in contact with Tom Izzo. I believe this letter represents the thoughts and feelings of all MSU fans:

Dear Tom Izzo,

As I heard the CBS commentator during the Kansas game say you were being considered for the Arizona job, I shrugged. You are considered for every open job every year. Lucky for everyone who bleeds green, you have stayed.

Then the man said, “Rumors are Tom doesn’t feel as appreciated in East Lansing as he should.”

A billboard seen from US-127 reads, “Thank you, Tom.” You are cheered for and greeted by the crowds tailgating in the fall. You are considered a legend, hero, god, superstar, you name it — here in East Lansing. Facebook groups petition to keep you from leaving us for another university or the NBA.

I’m in Facebook groups titled, “Izzo for President,” “Keep Tom Izzo at Michigan State University” and “I Would Give Tom Izzo One of My Kidneys.”

Call me crazy, but that’s devotion.

Without hesitation, I speak for all MSU fans in saying, “Thank you, Tom. We appreciate you.” 

Elizabeth Allen

mechanical engineering graduate student

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