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How to flirt

Learn right ways to be a better flirt

March 23, 2009

Kate Jacobson

You see someone across the room at a party, look them in the eyes and like that, you are intrigued. Where do you go from here?

Flirting is something every college student does, but most don’t do correctly. Either they’re too eager or not excited enough.

Here are some helpful tips to help bag that cutie you’ve been eyeing across the cafeteria.

1. Be approachable. Would you rather go up to a snapping pit bull or a cuddly golden retriever? Think about it. The way you present yourself means everything. Be conscious of your body language and facial expressions. If you look like you’re comfortable and easy to get to know, then people will want to get to know you.

2. Be real. No one likes a fake person. If you really like this person and genuinely want to attempt a relationship, the foundation cannot be on lies. His or her favorite band might be Metallica, but if you’re a Britney Spears fan, don’t be ashamed. Don’t laugh at all their painfully unfunny jokes. Don’t pretend to be overly into them. If there’s something there, there’s something there; you just have to be yourself.

3. Make eye contact. The expression “the eyes are the window to the soul” is no lie. Eye contact is a key indicator of interest. If you like this person, hold the glance for longer than you might with other people. If they hold it back, it probably means they’re into you. If you’re at a big party or a place with a lot of people, keep the attention on them. It shows them that they’re important to your time.

4. Be a good listener. Everyone is always into talking about themselves. But when flirting, you want to show an interest in the other person. One foolproof trick is to ask them a question and see if they reciprocate it and are genuinely interested. If they are into you, they will be interested in what you like as well.

5. Be discreet. Sometimes subtlety works best. In the case of flirting, less is more. Don’t spill your guts about past sexual conquests. It’s attractive. Although you might think that by telling them how great you are in bed will make them like you more, it probably will just reduce your value in their mind. If you’re searching for a relationship, this is not the route to take. This tactic will only work for one-night stands.

5. Have fun! Flirting is fun to do! The biggest key is to not get too serious about flirting. If they’re not into you, that’s OK. There are plenty of other people that will like flirting with you. If your expectations are too high, you will only end up getting hurt in the end.

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