Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Rivers near flood stage

February 11, 2009

Get out the rain boots, but don’t hang up that winter jacket just yet.

Melting snow and rain have caused area rivers to reach near-flood stage, prompting the National Weather Service to issue a flood warning for the Lansing area. Both the Red Cedar and Grand rivers are expected to hit flood stage sometime today.

“The Red Cedar River is, right now, just a foot below flood stage,” meteorologist Nathan Jeruzal of the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids said. “We’re expecting it to go above a foot this Saturday.”

On Monday, temperatures hit a record high of 60 degrees for East Lansing, melting away most snowpack and causing excess water to roll into river systems.

“We’ve got a fair amount of water that has been causing all the river and stream levels to rise,” Jeruzal said.

Psychology junior Katie Rhodes says she’s used to the Red Cedar River overflowing.

“There’s always someplace that’s flooded,” Rhodes said.

Jeruzal said he expects flooding to be minimal, with no potential for damage to properties or health hazards.

Students said they have been feeling the yo-yo effects of the spring-like weather, although most don’t expect it to stay.

“It’s Michigan,” English junior Courtney Hilden said. “It’s like in the fall, we get Indian summers. Well, now we’re getting an Indian fall.”

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