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Flats Grille’s assets liquidated

February 25, 2009

The possibility that Flats Grille, 551 E. Grand River Ave., will ever return became less likely Wednesday morning, when the Financial Services Bureau began liquidating the business’ assets.

The possessions within the restaurant went up for auction at 11 a.m., after a 10:30 a.m. inspection by a representative of the Financial Services Bureau.

Terry Stanton, spokesman for the Michigan Department of Treasury, said he could not comment directly about anything related to the case because it deals with personal taxes. He said liquidation is a normal process for a situation such as this and is agreed upon by the debtor.

“If there’s an auction, it would be to sell the assets within,” Stanton said. “The revenue from the auction would go towards satisfying the debt.”

The assets will be sold to private bidders and will be on sale until the debt is satisfied.

A tax lien filed against Paul O’Connor, owner of Flats Grille, for $8,864.75 in unpaid taxes was filed Dec. 10, 2008, Ingham County Register of Deeds Curtis Hertel Jr. said. After a lien is filed, a debtor has 10 weeks to pay the debt, or their property will be seized.

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