Monday, September 23, 2024

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President needs help of citizens

Farhan Bhatti

After the longest presidential campaign in our country’s history, President-elect Barack Obama will be sworn in today as the 44th President of the United States.

While we celebrate the man for defying the odds, rewriting history and restoring intellectual fortitude to the White House, we must temper our optimism with the realization that one person alone cannot solve all of the problems we face.

Obama has stated that as president, a large-scale, nationwide initiative focusing on individual sacrifice will be needed to help dig America out of the hole we currently find ourselves in.

Incoming White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, recently stated that Obama’s inaugural address today will be “heavily infused with (the) notion of responsibility and getting our country back on track.”

Sacrifice comes in many shapes and sizes. Although much of the blame for the economic collapse we have witnessed is placed upon greedy lenders, corrupt bankers and a lack of government oversight, American consumers must also shoulder some responsibility by decreasing their debt, borrowing less, saving more and living within their means.

Americans can also help stabilize the economy and support their friends and neighbors by buying goods designed and made in America. We need to start making environmentally friendly decisions that will not only benefit our planet but also our economy.

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, if every U.S. household replaced just one regular, incandescent lightbulb with a compact fluorescent lightbulb (also known as an energy-saving lightbulb), it would reduce global warming pollution by more than 90 million pounds, the equivalent of taking 7.5 million cars off of the road.

Moreover, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Americans replacing just one lightbulb would save enough energy to light more than 2.5 million homes for an entire year. Despite a higher purchasing cost, consumers can save up to $30 over the lifetime of each fluorescent lightbulb while using roughly two-thirds less energy than the equivalent incandescent bulb to generate the same amount of light.

We need to re-examine our driving habits to diversify our economy. Instead of purchasing vehicles that burn through gasoline at a rate of 15 miles per gallon, we need to shift toward vehicles that run on tomorrow’s technology — flex-fuel and batteries, for instance.

Doing so will help reduce our dependence on foreign oil and give a boost to American companies committed to building alternative energy factories and power plants across our country.

After eight years of empty talk of compassionate conservatism from the Bush administration, we must get serious about taking care of our fellow countrymen and women. If we don’t choose a career that involves serving others, at the very least we should incorporate community service into our routines.

Food banks need help. Domestic violence shelters need help. Homeless shelters need help. There are so many ways to give back to society, and doing so is important. If we help the less fortunate among us become taxpaying, productive members of society, everyone wins.

Factoring in the recent economic downturn we are currently facing, at least 50 million Americans are without health insurance. President Harry Truman, in his 1948 Democratic Party platform, spoke of the need for health insurance that covers every person.

Sixty years later, his vision is still unfulfilled. Once again, Americans will be asked to come together and engage in a dialogue about what exactly constitutes adequate health care and what kinds of perks and benefits we may be willing to forgo in order to cover everyone. A health care plan will never pass through Congress unless this happens.

America is at its best when its people come together to overcome obstacles. Like no other nation in history, America has repeatedly shown its resilience in the toughest of times.

In these times, our new president calls on us once again to come together, sacrifice and ensure that after this dark night that our nation currently faces, a brighter day will come.

Farhan Bhatti is a State News guest columnist. Reach him at

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