Monday, September 23, 2024

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More parking needed around campus for faculty, staff

This university sends a message that it would rather have its own employees, who have purchased a parking permit, spend irreplaceable time every day hunting around campus for a location to park instead of getting to work. In addition, MSU seems to have a large interest in fining its employees who purchase parking permits instead of improving campus parking.

MSU’s Department of Police and Public Safety fines MSU employees who park in locations that are not traditional parking locations because no other options are available, even when the chosen parking location neither obstructs nor prohibits campus business or other vehicles. This is unfair and perhaps immoral, especially when many parking locations are obstructed by snow piles.

I am beginning to believe that this university allows more permits than it should in the interest of increasing revenue. In addition, this campus takes advantage of the overabundance of permitted vehicles by fining desperate employees who have nowhere else to park and would rather get to work instead of driving around willy-nilly all day. Finally, I believe this university does a poor job of removing snow piles in parking areas, for it recognizes that this also forces employees to park out of desperation in nontraditional locations and leave them vulnerable to fines (added university revenue). I have one suggestion, for starters. Instead of paying department employees who drive uneconomical pickup trucks all day to fine fellow employees, the department should put a shovel in the back of their empty trucks and remove some snow.

Jeremy Moore

MSU graduate assistant

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