In response to Thea Neal’s column Keep fighting for same-sex marriage (SN 11/7), I am saddened by the hostility of this article, which criticizes people of faith and those who do not agree with the practice of homosexuality. The Bible does not say “no” to the homosexuals, it says “no” to the practice of homosexuality. Yes, as stated in the column, Jesus is all about love. However, Jesus is also about not practicing homosexuality, not as a matter of hate, but as a plan to experience love as God intended.
The column sarcastically states, “Jesus isn’t a registered voter in California (kind of hard to do after you die).” This statement is a witty way of bashing those who believe in Christ. Through the author’s angry words, she fails to follow what she so passionately wants: the acceptance of others. Jesus’ followers are different too, so they should also be accepted. People of faith and those who abstain from various sexual practices also have reasons for their convictions. Followers of Christ follow the Bible as an “owner’s manual” for life and the author is God.