Monday, September 23, 2024

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Argument that same-sex marriage banned for 'love' makes no sense

Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? This entire time I have been under the impression (as I’m sure many other members and supporters of the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender community were as well) this argument is about bigotry and prejudice, not about love. If you would have told me sooner that, while you do not believe that I deserve the same rights that you do, you actually love me and are simply oppressing me for my own good, I could have put my picket sign away a long time ago.

I didn’t realize this was about love. You say love is about self-sacrifice. Is it really? What exactly are you sacrificing, Dan (Love drives same-sex marriage fight (SN 11/24))? Because, to me, you are sacrificing my rights, not yours. You defined love in a way that sounds pure and kind, but not all love, right? Not the love between two people of the same gender. That love is not “patient and kind,” is it? That kind of love is wrong, a “disorder” even.

Yes, this is all making sense to me now: You feel the need to deny simple rights to people that would grant happiness to millions and hurt no one because you love me. You deny me the right to have the commitment to my partner recognized by the government because you are doing me a favor. You are the one who gets to decide what is moral and what is immoral because you are … you are … who are you again?

I will have to write down these words of yours, because if anything ever happens to my partner and she is in the hospital and I am not allowed to see her or make decisions for her because our relationship is seen as completely meaningless, I will have to keep your words in mind and refrain from feeling angry and emotionally shattered, and remember to feel loved.

Kelly Lane

elementary education senior

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