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Female partygoers should not condone rating system

I recently read two letters to the editor regarding Alpha Epsilon Pi’s Playboy U party. While I can’t possibly begin to express how disgusted I am that this kind of activity takes place, I am even more disgusted that women find this behavior acceptable or brush it off by saying “boys will be boys” (as was stated several times on the comment boards of

To those women who outwardly treated this behavior as acceptable, please consider what you do to those of us who do not want to be “rated.” Please realize that “rating” does not stop at fraternity house doors; it makes its way to classrooms, restaurants, stores, streets, etc. I am asking you, now, to please stay quiet instead of encouraging this behavior. If we can show the male species that “rating” of women is wrong, you lose nothing. If we fail, however, women with low self-esteem will be subjected to further criticism. And for the record, women who choose not to be “rated” are not automatically “ugly.” I for one reject the system because it puts one human being above another, and gives one power over the other’s feelings.

Lastly, to those who dismiss this behavior as “boys being boys,” I have a couple questions for you as well: Should we let rapists go because they were just “being boys?” Should we let men who beat their wives out of jail because they were just “being boys?” What crimes are covered by “boys being boys”? This is still a crime. It is still harassment. No, there aren’t visible bruises or broken bones. But there are emotionally damaged human beings.

Am I asking that every woman convert to feminism and immediately start hating men? Absolutely not. I’m simply asking that you give those of us who do not appreciate being “rated” a chance to stop or at least lessen the occurrence of that practice. You are doing a great injustice to women by encouraging this behavior.

Leah Koval

Spanish junior

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