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Assault victims bear no responsibility for attacks

I don’t like the way Abby Lubbers adds insult to injury in the police blurb Police: Woman attacked near Hubbard Hall (SN 11/24) by indirectly placing the blame on the survivor of the attack. Reminding readers to plan where to run in case of an attack or to look around the bushes seems to insinuate that this woman obviously failed to form an escape plan ahead of time or to look for villains who might be lurking in bushes.

It isn’t her fault she was attacked; it’s the fault of the malicious and sadistic attackers. Rather than remind people that there are bad men out there, why don’t we remind bad men to get their kicks in ways that do not hurt other people? I’d love to read a preachy rape article directed toward these types of people rather than one directed toward anyone who happens to be walking after dark. Maybe publishing a list of things sadists can do instead of attempting to rape a girl would make a better story than incessantly reminding us that it is our responsibility to avoid being raped. Sorry if that sounds like I’m joking, but I think it’s a joke that you think the woman could have saved herself the trouble if she had only “had a plan” or checked in all the bushes.

Cathy Illman

2003 MSU graduate and Haslett resident

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