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Discrimination against same-sex couples shouldn't be tolerated

I am also a graduate student in mathematics at MSU, and I did not want the math department’s contribution to this discussion to fall entirely on the side of Matt Masarik, Audrey Deguire and Jaylan Jones (Tolerance needed for those who don’t support same-sex marriage SN 11/18).

First I’d like to say when the time comes and Masarik and company are told that they’re not allowed to marry or adopt because of their views on Proposition 8, then maybe they will be in a position to complain about not being “tolerated” by society. Until then, this talk of “tolerance” is just another tiresome round in the rubber-glue game that well-off conservatives like to play with anyone rude enough to complain about not having the same rights and privileges as they do.

As someone who has a passing familiarity with a few Bible stories, I’d like to ask if perhaps Numbers 31:17-18 is where the writers of that previous letter get their privileged insight into “the true beauty and glory of human life and sexuality.” The passage referenced depicts Moses in one of his many unkind moments: “‘Kill all the male children! And kill all the women who have had sex with a man!’ said Moses. ‘But spare the lives of the young girls who have never had sex with a man. Keep them for yourselves.’” A loving rendition in Legos of this and many other Bible tales can be found at

Perhaps I can be forgiven if I regard informed consent as a standard for human sexuality far superior to the moldy old words of genocidal prophets who didn’t know how to carbon date their way out of a paper bag.

Matthew Bond

mathematics graduate student

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