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Funding student groups with tuition only increases expenses

This letter is in response to the editorial Race-based groups deserve student tax Funds (SN 11/25). This editorial states, “People also should remember that nobody is forcing students to join these groups.” While this is a true statement, it is not true that nobody is forcing students to fund these groups.

When I pay for my college tuition, I am making an investment in my future. I expect to pay for my education and my education alone. I have no interest in being forced to financially support any group on campus, whether it is a group to bring people together based on past experiences or based on future career goals. I am not here to pay for others’ social activities. I am here to pay for and take advantage of the great things my teachers, staff, administration, buildings, etc, can offer me.

For many of us, it is not easy to pay our tuition here at MSU. Loans must be taken out, unnecessary yet desirable purchases must be put aside, and part time, unfulfilling jobs must be taken advantage of. Every dollar that can be saved from a student’s tuition must be saved. These student “social” groups, as the article calls them, exhibit an unjust use of students’ tuition dollars, since not all students support all, if any, of the social groups.

The tax dollars that go to these social groups should be cut from tuition charges. The students who wish to join these groups can then use this money that they would have otherwise spent in tuition to fund the groups of their choice. Meanwhile, I will choose to continue to fund my education.

Eric Awerbuch

philosophy junior

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