Monday, September 23, 2024

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Lack of support for Spartans evident in low game turnout

Attendance numbers for the MSU vs. Wisconsin game: 75,121. In case people do not know, that is not a sellout.

Entering the game, our Spartans were 7-2. This was a very important game for us and we still couldn’t get a sellout? Where was everyone? The student section looked good, but in the upper level it was barren. We want to be considered an elite team in the Big Ten and the country but we can’t sell out our home football games. I know this would not happen at Penn State, Ohio State, Notre Dame and never, ever at Michigan.

Was the Halloween weekend too much to handle? What’s the deal, Spartans? Too much “Spartying On” and not enough cheering your football team on is not how you should be representing your school. This team and this program needs our support. They have battled hard all year and if we want to hold something against our opponents it should be that Spartan Stadium is the loudest, hardest place to play — not the kind of place where the opponent’s fans could walk up to the gate and get a ticket.

To all the fans that missed the game: That’s your loss, I guess.

Remember this for this coming weekend: We’re 8-2! I’ll be at the Purdue game, will you?

Zach Juett

2008 MSU graduate

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