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Freshman fifteen Q's


College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or less, at a new face on campus and his perspective of his new frontier.

Meet Eric Wads-Worth

1. What’s your major? Chemical engineering.

2. Where are you from? Chicago.

3. Where do you live? Mason Hall.

4. What’s the last good book you’ve read? It would have to be ‘The Communist Manifesto.’ It was for my European history class and I found the material to be interesting in terms of what we were talking about.

5. If you had a time machine, what’s the first event you’d go back to witness, and why? Probably the signing of the Declaration of Independence because the signers were great men and they clearly had the right idea for the type of government that suited this country.

6. Where’s your favorite place to go on campus, and why? The Gallery in Snyder-Phillips (Hall) because their food is excellent.

7. If you could be president of the United States for a day, what would you do? I would probably make health care universal. That’s a problem that’s been plaguing this country for a while and it needs an overhaul.

8. If you could invent any class at MSU and get credit for it, what would it be, and why? I guess sort of a card game class or poker class. It does have statistical information … and it’s a very popular concept around campus for students to be playing cards, so I feel it would be beneficial and it would also teach them something about statistics.

9. How many classes have you skipped this semester? I’ve skipped three, all of them my chemistry recitations.

10. What’s the worst thing about being a freshman? Probably the fact that you don’t know anyone on campus and so it takes awhile to connect and network with everyone else.

11. How often do you shower? Every day.

12. Do you have any idea why people love the band Journey so much on this campus? No, I don’t. They’re a good band, but I haven’t picked up the vibe that everyone loves them.

13. What’s your favorite urban legend? I don’t really believe in urban legends.

14. What’s your opinion of sweater vests? I’ve never personally worn a sweater vest, but on the right people I guess they look good.

- Compiled by Dan Faas, The State News

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