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Levin's tenure indicates excellent leadership

There’s a U.S. Senate race on the ballot this year, although Michiganians can be forgiven for not noticing.

While the airwaves have been deluged mostly by presidential race ads, peppered occasionally by one for a House of Representatives seat, Senate ads are few and far between.

It’s partially for this reason that The State News endorses Carl Levin for his sixth term in the Senate.

Levin’s opponent, State Rep. Jack Hoogendyk, R-Kalamazoo, has been nearly invisible in the race.

While the fact that both candidates failed to respond to an invitation to speak to this editorial board is not surprising — they are busy running a campaign, after all — it’s distressing that Hoogendyk, who is clearly struggling to get his name out, would ignore a chance to get some free publicity. It might be a sign that, if elected, Hoogendyk would not take advantage of all the tools at his disposable.

However, this isn’t the only reason that Levin is our choice.

Levin’s many years in the Senate have allowed him to build great relationships with many congressional colleagues. This seniority makes pushing legislation much easier than it would be for a junior senator.

His seniority also has given him choice appointments. He currently holds the chairmanship of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, one of the most important positions in the Senate. Through this chairmanship, he has enabled Michigan to have a strong voice in all matters relating to both Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the rest of our armed forces scattered across the globe.

Although the current economic crisis has pushed the Iraq situation off the front page, we cannot ignore the fact that we currently have troops in harm’s way, and it won’t be long before it once again dominates headlines, putting Levin in the perfect position to run point on the issue.

His high profile means people and the press listen when he speaks, allowing Michigan’s concerns to be heard across the nation and not just in the state.

His stand on issues, including support for manufacturing and the Patients’ Bill of Rights, shows that he has the needs of his constituents in mind and is striving to do what is best for Michigan.

Although he is by no means the perfect senator, his record and relationships show he has been a good senator who has fought for Michigan his entire career. With his help, Michigan can turn a corner and finally bask in a bright and hopeful future.

For those opposing Levin, we ask them if they’re voting for Hoogendyk because they like him or simply because they dislike Levin. Although change can be a great thing — witness the presidential race — it simply doesn’t make sense when you’re making a change simply for its own sake.

Hoogendyk has made no good argument to overcome Levin’s experience and record. We urge all voters to choose Levin when they enter the voting booth Nov. 4.

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