In Zack Colman’s report on gay rights (Gay rights not high on candidates’ 2008 agenda, SN 10/27), it is rather queerious that the only thing that seems to be of importance in the struggle for gay rights is marriage. The piece made it seem like marriage, in fact, is the only thing “gays” are concerned about because the “pressing needs (that) lie in the economy, the war in Iraq and the energy crisis” apparently have no impact on the “gay community.”
What is this fascination with “gay marriage” and why is the question never asked as to why the government (at any level) has the ability to legitimate or de-legitimate relationships? Should not every person be given the plethora of benefits that are currently only provided to a certain type of relationship — that of the supposed monogamous heterosexual couple? Simply adding that part of the gay community seeks marriage does not address the problems with marriage and its exclusive nature or any of the other issues of concern to the various parts of the gay community.