Saturday, December 28, 2024

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Students responsible for own postgame cleanup

I’m glad we have students who volunteer to take time out of their own day to pick up other students’ and nonstudents’ trash from the weekend. I want to thank those individuals for making MSU look respectable and clean.

One thing, though — why they are doing this?

The article Students clean up streets, reputations (SN 10/20) is always nice to hear about, but also disappointing.

Why can’t the people who make the mess clean it up themselves? If you are going to throw a party, you need to be willing to deal with the consequences of cleaning up when it’s done, and not relying on other students — who don’t want MSU to receive a bad reputation from the community and also want MSU to continue to look good — to be the ones covering your back.

One way to solve this is to place garbage cans outside your house; that way there should be no reason to leave trash on the ground.

Let’s all try to be environmentally friendly and take a few minutes to plan how cleanup will happen and how you want your party to be run. It’s hard to be green when you walk by houses and see aluminum and plastic on the ground.

Feel honored to go to school here, be more respectful and put your trash in the garbage.

Brandon Deane

zoology senior

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