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Student cheers disgrace MSU reputation, community

For several years now, after our football team makes a first down in Spartan Stadium, thousands of voices have rung out with “First down, bitch.” These displays of public vulgarity make me cringe with embarrassment. Until now, however, the situation hasn’t been bad enough for me to speak out.

But at the Iowa game, we reached a new low. This time, in addition to “First down, bitch,” we had “F—- Iowa.”

I imagine some of the people who shout this garbage are embarrassed, but they go along with it because of peer pressure. However, I fear that some may actually think this behavior is cool.

No, it’s not cool. It is crude. It is pathetic. It brings dishonor to our institution.

Students may not realize that they are hurting themselves when they act in this way. When prospective employers think of MSU, what comes to their mind? If they think of our top-notch academic programs and our outstanding traditions in arts, culture and athletics, it’s good for all of us. But if they think of a mob shouting obscenities at Spartan Stadium, or drunken rioters at Cedar Village, it hurts us all.

Sitting in front of me at the Iowa game was a family with two young children. What message are we sending to these kids?

I discussed this with some students a few days ago. One said it’s even more vulgar at Ohio State. I didn’t find that very satisfying. If the best thing we can say is that students at other schools are even more obscene than MSU students, that’s not saying much.

I love to cheer for the Spartans football team. Win or lose, I admire their hard work, sacrifice and determination. I hope at future games I will be able to be just as proud of the people in the stands as the players on the field.

Charles L. Ballard

economics professor

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