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Freshman fifteen Q's

Freshman 15

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or less, at a new face on campus and her perspective on her new frontier.

Meet Lena Pietrusiewicz

1. What is your major? I’m in James Madison College, so I’m planning on being international relations.

2. Where are you from? I’m from Anchorage, Alaska.

3. Where do you live? I live in Case (Hall).

4. What’s your favorite part about fall? The leaves, I love the leaves. And the fact that fall here is not 30 degrees.

5. What’s your favorite thing to get at the cafeteria? It’s a hard choice, but I would say Scossa (in Case Hall).

6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Probably Brazil.

7. In what language do you wish you were fluent? Why? Portuguese, so I can speak it when I go to Brazil.

8. What has been your most interesting experience at MSU? Meeting all the cool people and just living in the dorms. And I love, love, love the football games and all the school spirit that we have here.

9. What’s your favorite beverage? I love all beverages. But juice, I love juice. Any type of juice.

10. Which do you like more: original, spiral, or character-shaped macaroni? I’d have to say just original macaroni, it tastes fine the way it is.

11. What kind of music did you listen to in middle school? I don’t think I really listened to music in middle school, maybe like rap music.

12. What movie do you find most quotable? I can never quote movies, so maybe “Forrest Gump” perhaps, because I love that movie.

13. What’s your method for studying? Any time past (midnight), I can study then.

14. What’s your favorite place on campus? I really like Spartan Stadium.

15. What’s something you find funny but probably shouldn’t? Just the fact that it’s 30 degrees in Alaska and 80 degrees here, I guess that.

—Compiled by Kyle Feldscher, The State News

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