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SN decor: Roommates mix tastes with diverse poster art

September 22, 2008

Dietetics senior Stephanie Hays, biochemistry and cell and molecular biology junior Kimmy Grit and animal science and biochemistry senior Erin Vegter maintain the unique, inviting feel of their Van Hoosen Hall apartment by combining their many posters. These posters range from Harry Potter to Muhammad Ali to Johnny Depp and ensure guests visiting the space always have something to discuss.

The State News caught up with three roommates who each bring their own unique sense of style to their small, but inviting apartment in Van Hoosen Hall.

A combined collection of posters adorn the walls, ranging from Harry Potter to Muhammad Ali to a massive blow-up of their favorite picture together.

A main point of conversation for guests, these posters definitely make their apartment unforgettable.

The students Stephanie Hays, dietetics senior; Kimmy Grit, biochemistry and cell and molecular biology junior; Erin Vegter, animal science and biochemistry senior

The crib Van Hoosen Hall

The State News What was the inspiration for your room?

Kimmy Grit We really just wanted some big posters and some pictures of our faces.

We wanted string lights because some of us don’t like the really bright lights they have in our room, but we just like cool posters.

SN Did you buy all of your posters together, or did you each bring your own collection to the room?

Erin Vegter We bought them separately. I actually got two posters free at UFEST.

Stephanie Hays A fun game we like to play because there are so many posters is to have people guess what poster belongs to each roommate.

Our Harry Potter poster is a really hard one for people to guess. But it’s a fun game, people really get into it. They like to argue about it, it’s great.

SN When did you first start collecting posters?

KG I think we all bought them for our dorm rooms while we lived there. We didn’t buy any posters specifically for this space.

SH I’ve had my “Aladdin” poster since I used to share a room with my brother.

SN There is a huge poster of the three of you. What significance does it have?

SH We actually took that picture long before we knew we’d be roommates.

It’s a good picture of the three of us. We’re all smiling. We had it made at Kinko’s. They give you size options and we chose the big, ridiculous one.

SN What was the most difficult part about decorating your room?

SH Getting the posters to stay on the wall.

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KG With all the rain we’ve had lately none of the posters would stay up.

SN What did you use to hang your posters?

KG We used a lot of rolls of Scotch Tape.

SH For the bigger posters we used 3M strips.

EV That way we won’t leave stickiness on the wall.

SN What is your favorite part of the room?

SH It’s really inviting to people, which we wanted because we really like having people over. I appreciate how the posters are a wide variety.

Some of them I don’t necessarily 100 percent like, but someone else does. So, at least there is something for everyone to enjoy. There are definitely posters where even guys go “What a cool poster.”

SN How long did it take to decorate your space?

KG We didn’t spend too long decorating. We all got together on one day and planned it out. We kind of had an idea of where we wanted to put everything, so it didn’t take too long.

SN You have one large, long desk. How do you keep it organized with three people using it?

EV We have bookshelves to keep it organized. We keep reference books on one shelf, then textbooks on another. We keep our Rubik’s cubes on the top (shelf).

SN Why did you choose to live in Van Hoosen Hall?

KG Stephanie was on the waiting list and she asked us to be roommates.

SH I wanted (Van Hoosen) because it’s on campus, university-owned, but it’s not the dorms. I like being right in the middle of campus.

SN What makes your space seem like home?

SH I’m a fan of our plants by the window. I’ve had the cactus since sophomore year (of college) and I haven’t killed it yet.

SN What advice would you give to someone looking to individualize their own space?

SH I would say go for what you like. It might take a while to accumulate things, so freshmen, don’t feel bad if you only have a few things.

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