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Military requires troops to follow orders, not morals

As an army veteran, I read with interest Drew Robert Winter’s column Support war before enlisting (SN 8/29) on enlistment. It soon became apparent that Drew has no clue about how the military works.

Picture this, Drew: You’re a soldier on a highly dangerous mission when the order is given to engage what appears to be enemy soldiers coming right at you. Instead of “following orders” you use your “moral compass” and choose not to fire at the enemy, or worse — you pick up and run. You leave your fellow soldiers compromised and down one man. What if half the soldiers in the military thought like you do? We wouldn’t have the strong military that we have now.

When a person enlists, he or she should very well know that they are placing their lives on the line in defense of our country. Our armed forces are not merely a police force or a means for paying college tuition, but rather a fighting force where it’s “kill or be killed” in a war zone.

Most people that I know or have talked to support and respect our military — the exception being ignorant, wet-behind-the-ears college kids like yourself, Drew. I am grateful that you’re not in the military. The country is safer because of it.

Mike Krukowski

Lansing resident

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