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In the know: Acupressure

September 29, 2008

Acupressure is a technique derived from acupuncture and is used to apply physical pressure to traditional acupuncture points using hands, feet and fingers instead of needles. It is used to relieve tension in the body, help maintain good health and increase circulation. Although acupressure cannot replace professional medical care, try the following tips for some at-home relief.

Apply steady pressure with your fingers or hand for approximately a minute to the following points:

Directly behind the lower part of your earlobe.

Effect: lowers sensitivities.

Depression under the clavicle underneath the shoulder.

Effect: to help coughing and asthma.

Midway up the upper arm, in the space between muscles.

Effect: helps cough and asthma problems.

Outer side of the bent elbow, at the end of the “elbow crease.”

Effect: heals body of anger.

On the skin between your thumb and index fingers.

Effect: releases body of grief.

Fourth toe, on the outer corner of the nail.

Effect: enhances focus.


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