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New energy bill a 'solid step' for stronger economy

In the column, New state energy plan is sketchy (SN 4/21), Eric Gregory makes some good points about the energy plan passed by the Michigan House of Representatives last week, but ultimately his focus on consumer choice is misguided.

The package of energy bills that passed the House with broad bipartisan support Thursday is in fact not “sketchy,” but a solid step toward creating a stronger economy and a cleaner energy future for Michigan. The bills can jump-start our industry and re-enlist our strong manufacturing base, while helping to keep electric rates in Michigan as low as possible by providing incentives to potential investors and requiring that utilities exhaust all cost savings initiatives before raising consumer rates.

The critical thing to know about this package is that cleaner, renewable energy and energy efficiency will be prioritized. If we have to spend money on generating new energy — and we do — we should be spending it on cleaner, cheaper forms of energy. For Michigan’s economy, it is critical to have a strong Renewable Portfolio Standard, or RPS, as well as stringent utility regulation through Integrated Resource Planning. The packet of bills just voted out of the House is a start to achieving these goals.

Gregory makes the point that 96 percent of wind energy investments went to states with an RPS. The American Solar Energy Society estimates that in 2006, alternative energy and energy efficiency accounted for $970 billion and 8.5 million jobs for the energy industry. By supporting legislation such as the House bills, Michigan can position itself to take full advantage of the booming “green manufacturing” industry.

Michael Collins

2007 graduate and

Brandon Knight

2006 graduate

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