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MSU alum to rioters: 'Take charge of your own future'

First off, congratulations on attending a fine university. I hope your MSU experience will become as positive an experience in your life as it has been in mine. Now, let me give you a take on the Cedar Fest debacle from someone who graduated a while ago and lives far away from your immediate community.

Cedar Fest is as big a problem today as it was 20 years ago. I know this because this “party” and its aftermath made the news in New York City. This clearly is a bigger problem than just little East Lansing. I had a job interview that day. I spent the first five minutes of a precious 30 minutes explaining the actions of students attending my alma mater. What some of you will not understand is that the actions of a precious few, whether they are students or not, have a far-reaching impact on all of your futures. Any immature actions from future students will taint you the same way it is tainting me. I’ve read some of the reactions to Cedar Fest from students. I really don’t care who started it, or who was there, or how the cops reacted. The fact is, Cedar Fest is being reported nationally as an MSU party gone haywire. The media is waiting for this story every year, and every year we give it to them.

I have a family, a mortgage and big college payments for my boy looming on the horizon. Maybe he’ll go to MSU. I’ve had a good “Madison Avenue” career so far, but would like this job as it will help us get ahead. My wife wants to spend more time at home, and we also want to put an addition on the house. I am very typical. I am you 20 years from now.

Students, take my word for it — Cedar Fest is a bad deal for your future. Take charge of your own future. If you are a Cedar Village resident, organize yourselves to prevent this party. Show leadership. Push and work with the administration to find a solution. Work with the police ahead of time, not during or afterward. In the end, put it on your résumé that you did something good to help your community.

If you work in the administration, there is not a good enough reason you can give me as to why this bad press is continuing. In business, if I know someone is waiting to throw egg in my face, I take steps to make sure that doesn’t occur. I’ve read MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon’s letter on this issue. Efforts to date to stop this party clearly are not enough. Next year, you need to make this a top priority and try not to delegate it to others. Your alumni are thoroughly embarrassed. Let me know how I can help.

Jeff Casper

1989 and 1990 MSU graduate

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