Monday, September 23, 2024

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Race factor doesn't mean crime is racially motivated

This letter is in response to the racist and sexist incident that occurred on April 5 between two residents of Case Hall. While I do not doubt the validity of the claim by Megan Threats, I do not understand why the incident was regarded as racist. Yes, the two people involved were of two different races and genders, but were the causes behind Max Schurig slapping Threats racially rooted? Just because the victim happened to be of another race than the attacker, that does not make it a racist occurrence.

If the victim had been a white woman and the attacker a black male, would The State News have called the incident racially motivated? If there had been a protest, would it have been covered by The State News or would this protest be regarded as racist? If we as a country ever truly want to get past racial tensions, we need to stop seeing color and start seeing people, and stop assuming that violence against someone of a different race is racially motivated.

Jessica Byrom

international relations junior

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