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No logic used in argument against YAF's 'hate speech'

In Mike Adams’ letter titled YAF speaker poor choice, brings hate speech at MSU (SN 3/25), it was argued that MSU’s Young Americans for Freedom was only for speech that supports their cause. However, I have no recollection of MSU YAF ever protesting a speaker or trying to censor anything regarding themselves or other groups on campus.

Adams also attacks MSU YAF for not bringing in opposing views, but I can’t seem to remember any group that brought in a speaker opposed to the group (or groups) affiliated to the event. I am not a member or even a supporter of MSU YAF, but I hope future criticism of MSU YAF is more constructive and informative — as Adams’ letter seemed, to me anyway, no closer to an enlightening dialogue than he claims the MSU YAF event to be.

Casey Forquer

international relations senior

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