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Renewable energy essential to Michigan's future, success

The state Legislature is set to vote on Michigan’s energy future as early as this week. There are two paths our lawmakers can choose. One path promotes renewable energy use and the production of renewable energy technology. The other path promotes pollution and sends money and jobs out of our state.

Michigan has the second-highest wind energy potential in the Great Lakes region, behind only Minnesota. Despite the high potential for clean energy generation, Michigan’s current wind energy capacity is only 3 megawatts, compared to 1,258 megawatts in Minnesota.

An investment in clean energy also would provide a stimulus to Michigan’s lagging economy and soaring unemployment rate. Michigan is in the unique position of having a highly skilled manufacturing labor force and infrastructure along with top research universities. By investing in wind energy technology, we can keep jobs here in Michigan. The alternative is to build new coal power plants to support our growing energy needs. Coal burned in Michigan is imported from other states, sending dollars and jobs out of the state.

Building a new coal plant would provide a few hundred jobs while construction is underway, but after construction is complete, only a minimal number of jobs would remain to run the plant. Creation of a wind energy economy would provide stable jobs in an industry that will only grow in the coming decades. The real question is, should we invest in our own state and protect our lakes, forests and children, or should we continue with the status quo and support industries that pollute and further the economic hardship our state is already suffering from?

Andy Flies

zoology graduate student

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