Thursday, March 6, 2025

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YAF speaker poor choice, brings hate speech at MSU

I read in the Lansing State Journal on Sunday morning that MSU’s Young Americans for Freedom are again trying to stir up controversy on campus. Instead of bashing immigrants or homosexual people, they are bashing Muslims this time.

MSU YAF is going to host a speaker by the name of Walid Shoebat, an alleged former Palestinian Liberation Organization terrorist member.

Why would MSU YAF host such a speaker? It is not a productive way for them to present their views. They should instead host a debate of some kind where both sides can present what they believe. MSU YAF claims to like free speech, but they only like free speech for themselves.

The ex-terrorist is going to speak on campus today. MSU students should join together to protest this speaker, what he stands for and what he will say. MSU should not tolerate hate speech on campus. Islamophobia and bigotry have no place here.

Despite what MSU YAF members think, Islam is a religion of peace.

The Lansing State Journal article can be read online at

Mike Adams

East Lansing resident

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