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Intelligent design advocates can consider evolution, too

The debate about evolution only proves that Darwin may have been wrong about humans — some of us are still apes. The arguments against evolution have never been about science, but are derived from the unnecessary fears of those who choose to remain ignorant about the natural world.

Anyone who can read would find that evolution is a proven theory, confirmed by many different areas of science. Rather than summarize the mountains of evidence for evolution, the tables must be turned. Intelligent designers have some serious questions to answer. If one accepts that everything is designed, does that lead to a true appreciation of the natural world, or anything else? Are the works of the designer, if he of she or it exists, properly acknowledged with intelligent design? If intelligent design is true, how does the study of nature continue? No one, including the loudest of intelligent design advocates, has come close to completely solving these issues.

Those who believe in intelligent design are misguided by a movement that cripples the very quality that makes us unique in the natural world: The conscious choice to think. If God exists, then he created our bodies and our minds, allowing us to fully appreciate his works. Whether God-given or not, the right to reason is endangered by intelligent design.

Alvin Makohon-Moore

zoology junior

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