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Street-wise fashion

January 24, 2008

Nick Verburgt, an apparel and textile design sophomore, models his trench coat. Verburgt said he has always liked fashion.

Stylish student: Nick Verburgt, apparel and textile design sophomore

Where we found him: Right outside his fashion design classroom

The State News: What are you wearing?

Nick Verburgt: I’m wearing a cable-knit turtleneck sweater from H&M. Levi’s straight leg jeans. The trench coat is from the Salvation Army and I’m just wearing regular Vans.

SN: What’s your favorite article of clothing that you’re wearing?

NV: I would say my trench coat because it’s easily matchable. It goes across many seasons.

SN: How would you describe your style?

NV: It’s very eclectic yet simplistic. I like things that are like, vintage or used but not over the top. Like the trench coat is just solid blue.

SN: What are your favorite stores?

NV: My favorite stores would probably have to be H&M, Urban (Outfitters), American Apparel, and any Salvation Army.

SN: Who are your fashion inspirations?

NV: I’m very inspired by Marc Jacobs, he has a real simplistic design.

Just people I see on the street, people that are very artsy. I love going to Scavenger Hunt. The people who work there are really cool.

I’m kind of more into people’s attitudes rather than their overall style and that’s what I try and convey with what I wear.

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