Monday, September 23, 2024

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Proposed MSU Museum move not in best interest of university

Moving the MSU Museum from its beautiful location on campus into a new housing development in East Lansing quite simply makes zero sense. When one goes to a museum it is the building’s inherent ambiance that makes that experience so memorable. The current historical building provides just such a context, which would be impossible to recreate in a modern facility designed primarily for housing. One also needs to take into account a museum building’s surroundings. With Beaumont Tower and the old 19th century natural science buildings, along with numerous towering trees, open lawns and peaceful walkways encompassing the current museum location, one is able to feel like one is at a museum. Compare this to the traffic of Grand River Avenue among assorted businesses such as Pinball Pete’s and The Riviera Cafe Restaurant and Lounge — how would someone even begin to be able to relate to the MSU Museum’s wonderful displays? My biggest concern is that this risky financial move will actually lead to the closure of the museum. I have yet to see the numbers that would justify such a move or the long term finances that can show that this is an endowed venture which will last for another 150 years — something the current facility has already done and should continue to do in its current location.

Dr. Chris Tabaka

adjunct faculty member, MSU College of Veterinary Medicine

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