Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Freshman fifteen Q's

Brooke Ody

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with two of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or less, at a new face on campus and their perspective on their new frontier.

Meet Brooke Ody

1. What is your major?

Political science and pre-law

2. What is your hometown?

Monroe, Mich.

3. How was your first week of classes?

It was good. I’m still getting used to the campus so, at first, I was a little lost.

4. What classes are you taking?

I’ve got an art history, physiology, and college algebra class, as well as a literature cultural identities class.

5. Are there any classes that you’re worried about?

No, not yet.

6. What class do you think you’ll enjoy the most?

I really like my art history class. It’s really interesting. When you travel, it’s good to know what you’re seeing.

7. What class did you have to buy the most books for?

I have three books for my IAH (class), literature cultural identities class.

8. What class do you think you’ll have to study the most for?

Probably physiology because there’s a lot of information to remember.

9. Are you feeling any pressure from any of your classes yet?

A little bit. I think all of your classes you have trouble with, like getting used to the professor and figuring out their testing techniques and stuff like that but after the first test, I’m a little more confident.

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10. What is your earliest class?

10:20 a.m.

11. What is your largest class?

My physiology class is, I think, 500 people, so it’s a lot.

12. What is your longest class and how do you plan to stay awake?

Physiology — It’s an hour and 40 minutes. I think physiology is very interesting so I probably won’t have a hard time staying awake.

13. What is your longest day?

My classes are pretty well spread out. I have two classes each day, Monday through Friday, so it’s not bad at all.

14. Do you plan on joining any clubs this semester?

Maybe. I’m kind of researching which clubs I want to join.

15. Anything interesting happen this past weekend?

I went to the John McCain speech. I’ve never been to anything like that before so it was interesting to hear the topics that he decided to talk about.


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