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MSU judicial affairs system sub par, lacks accountability

I was excited to see the article titled Judicial boards violate MSU rule (SN 12/6). I was a previous member of judicial affairs and was very outspoken about the injustices that occurred during my tenure on the judicial board.

When I joined the board, I had never been trained in the judicial affairs process. I received notice that I had been selected and began hearing cases a week later. I heard cases for a semester before I was confirmed by ASMSU. Members of the board were given inside information on cases before they were heard and then were expected to remain objective. I was told that the testimonies of hall directors and mentors were more trustworthy than students and that they should always be taken at their word. Multiple times we were told exactly how we were supposed to rule, and the time we went against the grain we were reprimanded. There was one particular case in which a university employee didn’t show up for the hearing or alert anyone of the absence. In those instances, the case is supposed to be dismissed and the students let off. This rule was ignored, and the students had to attend a rescheduled hearing.

I informed Rick Schafer about what was occurring on the board, and he completely dismissed what I had to say. He accused me of being dishonest and of overreacting. I informed his superiors of what was occurring, and neither of them addressed my concerns.

MSU needs to review its judicial board and residence hall regulations. As it stands, students can be sent to judicial affairs for piddly things, and they will have always violated one or more of the rules. I would like to thank The State News for writing an article exposing the judicial boards for what they are.

Felicia Anderson

humanities, pre-law and theater senior

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