Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Freshmen fifteen Q's


College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with two of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or less, at a new face on campus and their perspective on their new frontier.

Meet Kaitlyn Burns

1. Where do you live? Campbell Hall.

2. What is your major? Prenursing.

3. Where are you from? Plymouth, Mich.

4. What are you doing over break? Sleeping, visiting with family and working.

5. What do you miss most about home? My dog. He’s a golden retriever-labrador mix named Lexi.

6. How has the semester been so far? Not too bad. My classes weren’t bad, but chemistry was hard.

7. How many hours a week do you study? At least 14.

8. Do you have a favorite place to eat on or off campus? Noodles & Company.

9. What was your favorite class this semester? Statistics 200.

10. Will you do anything different next semester in your classes? Keep on top of things in the beginning of the semester.

11. What classes are you taking next semester? Biology, ISS, sign language, anatomy and human development.

12. What do you like best about campus? I like hanging out with friends.

Meet Jenna Kowalski

1. Where do you live? Yakeley Hall.

2. What is your major? Political science and English.

3. Where are you from? Wisconsin, outside of Milwaukee.

4. What are you doing over break? Going home to see my family and friends.

5. What do you miss most about home? My family and being able to see them every day.

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6. What’s your finals schedule like? I have two on Monday, one Tuesday and one Friday.

7. Do you have anything you wish you’d brought with you this semester? Not really.

8. How many hours a week do you study? At least 12-13.

9. Do you have a favorite place to eat on campus? (My friends and I like) Omi (Sushi).

10. Do you have any pets? I have three cats.

11. What classes are you taking next semester? Portuguese, political science, English, math and ISS.

12. What do you like best about campus? I like the atmosphere and the attitude of everyone.

Editor’s note: This fall, The State News sat down with several freshmen to see how, in 15 questions or less, these new faces on campus handled their first taste college life. We reunited with two of them to see how their perspectives have changed with one semester under their belt.

Patience Bentley, first featured on Aug. 28

1. What’s been your toughest class this semester? I have a society and the individual class. It’s a lot of personal opinion and you really can’t get that wrong, but it was difficult knowing what the professor wanted.

2. Have you started to study for finals? Yes because I had a final already, and I have one this Thursday.

3. What has changed since the last time we interviewed you at the beginning of the semester? The biggest change in my life was that I had four family members die this semester. It’s been hard, but it made me appreciate the teaching staff at MSU so much more because they were so willing to work with me.

4. What are you looking forward to about winter break? Not having to drive up to campus.

5. How have you changed as a person? I’m a lot more responsible. When I first started college, I thought I could blow off classes and just hang out with friends.

6. What’s your favorite class been this semester? Definitely my biology lab. I have such a fun lab group.

7. What did first semester teach you? You actually have to go to class, and you actually have to study. All through high school, I got a 4.0, then I took my first test in college and realized I actually had to go to class to do well.

8. Have you made a lot of new friends? Yeah, I met a lot of people who were really cool.

9. What’s your spring semester look like? Busy, very busy — but I think I’ll be a little more prepared for it.

Caitlin Gerlach, first featured on Oct. 23

1. Now that the first semester is almost over, do you still plan on remaining a prenursing major? Yeah, I do.

2. What’s it been like living in Brody Complex? I love the dorms. We have a really, really good floor.

3. Have you started to study for finals? Oh yeah. I’ve been studying a little bit since last week because I don’t know what to expect.

4. What studying technique works best for you? I know for my chemistry class I have to do the practice tests, and I realize when I study with people it helps a lot, too. I didn’t do that until halfway through the semester because I thought I could do it all alone.

5. What are you looking forward to about winter break? Going home and being able to hang out with my family.

6. What’s your favorite memory from your first semester? Since it’s been really cold lately, our floor hangs out in the dorm together, and we’ve been hanging out with the guys’ floor.

7. How difficult has it been to keep in touch with friends from high school? My friends who graduate this year I hang out with when I go home. We haven’t lost touch or anything.


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