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Presidential candidates to debate Thursday in Las Vegas

November 13, 2007

Issues such as illegal immigration and the economy may be points of contention for Democratic presidential hopefuls Thursday during a Las Vegas debate.

“The key thing is the dynamics of how the candidates will interact with each other,” said Charles Atkin, chairman for MSU’s Department of Communications and an expert on media campaigns. “In the case of the upcoming debate, I would indeed expect the candidates who are trailing, especially (John) Edwards and (Sen. Barack) Obama, to try to be critical of (Sen.) Hillary Clinton, no matter what the issue is.”

Other candidates expected to appear on the debate panel include presidential hopefuls New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., and Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.

Viewers can expect to see the candidates cut Clinton’s lead and bring her more into the rest of the pack with Edwards being the strongest attacker, Atkin said.


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