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MSU celebrates International Education Week with guest speaker and festivities

November 8, 2007

As understanding a variety of cultures becomes an essential part of everyday life, MSU is taking action to bring the community together.

Saturday kicks off this year’s International Education Week hosted by MSU’s International Studies and Programs.

“The world is becoming more globalized, and we are getting meshed together in each other’s lives,” said Patricia Lambert, a coordinator for the event. “It is important to understand other cultures and be respectful of them.”

The U.S departments of State and Education introduced the week in 2000, and MSU followed suit that same year.

The entire campus participates — from colleges to different departments and student groups, Lambert said.

James Lucas, assistant to the dean for undergraduate education, said the week is not just a collection of isolated events happening around campus.

“We want students and faculty to be making connections with several of the activities in their personal and professional lives,” Lucas said.

Inge Steglitz, an assistant professor and study abroad assistant director, is having her students work on a graded service learning project Tuesday.

Steglitz’s 70-student class will have display booths set up in McDonel Hall presenting cultures around the world, such as Australia, Brazil, Greece and Thailand.

Housing and Food Services will provide international hors d’oerves and the entire cafeteria will be featuring a variety of food from different cultures and countries.

“People will see how engaged our undergraduates are in international learning,” Steglitz said.

Also, on Tuesday, William Easterly, a professor of economics at New York State University, will speak on foreign aid at 3 p.m. in the International Center.

This week allows the university to draw attention to international topics from hard-hitting issues to having fun at the Saturday night dance where students can learn to Salsa, Steglitz said.

“Students who graduate have to have a global perspective. They are going to be working with people from different cultures,” Lambert said. “We want to grow a stronger community.”

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