Friday, June 28, 2024

Field hockey has No. 8 seed for NCAA Tournament

November 6, 2007

The MSU women’s field hockey team received the No. 8 seed in this weekend’s NCAA Tournament.

MSU will face No. 3 Wake Forest on Saturday in Ann Arbor for game one. The Spartans are looking to capitalize on the home state advantage as well as the cold weather against the Deacons, whose home state is North Carolina.

The Spartans faced off against Wake Forest earlier in the season. The Deacons came out victorious giving the Spartans their only shut-out loss of the season.

This will be the first time since 2004 the Spartans have earned a spot in the NCAA Tournament, as well as the first time for MSU head coach Rolf van de Kerkhof since he inherited the program in 2006.

“We’ve been practicing, we’ll be ready and confident,” van de Kerkhof said.

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