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'Mitt Mobile' brings Romney son to MSU

October 17, 2007

Josh Romney, son of Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, talks with political theory and constitutional democracy senior and chairman of Students for Mitt Romney, Leo Madarang, Wednesday at Breslin Center.

Pulling up outside Breslin Center on Wednesday in a red and blue mobile home, titled the Mitt Mobile, presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s son, Josh Romney, addressed a handful of Romney supporters.

“We’re sending a clear conservative message,” Romney said. “We need to strengthen the economy by cutting taxes, strengthen the military — the only area where we can spend money — and strengthen the American family.”

Josh Romney and his four brothers have traveled close to 10,000 miles campaigning in Arizona, all 99 counties of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Michigan for their dad.

“The best surrogate for any candidate is the family member, whether the wife or children,” said Steve Mitchell, chairman of Mitchell Research and Communications Inc., a political consulting firm. “When reaching out to young people, it is only logical he would send in one of his kids.”

Despite informing students neither he nor his brothers were looking to pursue political careers themselves, Josh Romney answered students’ questions on Iran, Iraq, alternative energies and the primaries.

Because Michigan Democrats decided to push up their primary date, which is against Democratic National Committee rules, all Democratic presidential candidates have pledged not to campaign in Michigan.

“It’s unfortunate the Democrats have chosen not to campaign in Michigan,” said international relations senior Scott Hendrickson, president of the MSU Democrats. “Michigan’s issues need to be pushed to the forefront, which is why the state moved our (date) up. But it won’t decrease Democratic importance in the state. Democratic candidates deserve consideration.”

While there are still other Republican candidates that are vying for the state’s support, Romney’s concerns do not lie with them.

“Barack, Hillary or Edwards are who (Dad) is worried about — keeping those guys out of office,” Romney said.

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