Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Izzone leaders should be held accountable for changes

Once again, the Student Alumni Foundation has made changes to the Izzone. Before, the Izzone was divided into the yellow and purple sections, which were behind the baskets, and the green section, which stretched along the sideline. Normally, the green section was reserved for those who have been in the Izzone the longest. However, this year, SAF has made the lower bowl one section. According to the Izzone coordinators, “The section will now be more unified, and it makes it easier for everyone to sit with their friends in the lower bowl.”

Last year, I didn’t see any rift between the different sections of the lower bowl. We cheered as one section. The Izzone wasn’t like the past student section setup for football. Everyone in the lower bowl belonged to the Izzone. As for people sitting with their friends, that problem was never an issue in the past. Once the section assignments were published, SAF allowed people to request a section change so they could sit with friends. So, where exactly was the problem with having sections? Nothing the Izzone coordinators have said has actually legitimized this change. If the actual issue is with having empty seats in the lower bowl, I have a solution. At five minutes into the game, if there are still seats in the lower bowl, have people from the upper bowl fill those seats. So, I am asking the Izzone coordinators to come clean and give us a real, logical reason for the change in the Izzone.

Dennis Zurbano

human biology senior

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