Monday, September 23, 2024

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Profanity in football cheer shows lack of fans' class

My parents have had season tickets to Spartan football games since I was in middle school. In those days, there were few things that impressed me more than the student section. I watched with growing admiration from our seats near the tunnel entrance as the students performed chants and cheers and provided inspiration and excitement even when the team was losing. I couldn’t wait to be a part of it. I never once thought that my membership in the once idolized student section would be a source of embarrassment.

This is my third year of purchasing student tickets to the football games, and I have never been more disappointed with the section. The profanity in the first down cheer has spread to almost every other cheer that the band can play. With each game, I am increasingly mortified by the complete lack of class and intelligence the student section now displays. From anywhere else in the stadium, the student section appears to be a group of people with profoundly limited vocabularies and absolutely no respect for the players, coaches and other fans in attendance. From inside the section itself, this view is confirmed; very few individuals have the decency to stop participating in the foulest parts of the chants.

Perhaps they don’t realize that the power of the section to intimidate the other team comes from its numbers and dedication, not from four-letter words. Last weekend in overtime, Northwestern chose the opposite side of the stadium — as far away from the student section as they could get — and it wasn’t because profanity was added to the cheers.

Anna Taylor

professional writing junior

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