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Opposing teams and fans do not fear Spartan vulgarities

Kyle Feldscher states in his letter to the editor titled Student cheering sections supposed to be unfriendly (SN 10/15) that student sections are supposed to be unfriendly, and that MSU students are trying to be loud, into the game and make opponents fear us.

Loud? Check. Into the game? I suppose. Making opponents fear us? Please tell me you are joking. You really believe the opposing team and fans are scared of being in Spartan Stadium because of the student section screaming “F—- (opposing school)?” That doesn’t create a hostile environment. All you guys have done is turn the 60,000 other home fans against you, which as far as I can tell makes us less intimidating. This isn’t even about decency anymore.

Most fans would appreciate it if people like Feldscher didn’t choose to represent our school in such a fashion.

Chris Takis

2005 alumnus

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