Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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At least politicians are thinking environmentally

This is a response to the editorial titled Political yard signs effective tool for voters (SN 10/16). This piece represents the sad state of affairs in the fight to save the environment. While good points are made regarding other things the candidates could be doing to save the environment, criticizing the choice not to use yard signs is representative of the attitude that is killing any chance of success for environmentalists. So saving a few yard signs is a little thing? So other things would be just as “eco-friendly?”

This argument can be applied to all those “little things” that, when applied across the huge population of this country, would add up to a significant overall effort in helping protect the environment from such severe degradation as has been occurring in recent years. It seems to me that an argument regarding yard signs as essential to informing voters that there is an upcoming election is completely off the mark. If a potential voter doesn’t know there is an election coming up, that person probably won’t be affected by how “eco-friendly” the candidates are who are not using yard signs. Let them make a point for being environmentally friendly; even if it’s just a political gesture, at least it’s a start.

Nicole Kessinger

accounting graduate student

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