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U.S. has duty to alleviate genocide in Darfur region

In U.S. should stay out of Darfur and pay attention to itself (SN 10/9) Young Americans for Freedom chairman Kyle Bristow argues must focus on its own interests, rather than becoming “involved in ending civil strife in Darfur.” While this is an admirable sentiment, he has a few things backwards.

The conflict in Darfur is not “civil strife.” It is a genocide. This fact has been acknowledged by many governments and leaders, including President Bush. At least 500,000 people are dead and some two million displaced from their homes, because members of the Janjaweed — an Arab militia sponsored by the Sudanese government — have free reign to terrorize and murder the citizens of Darfur.

In his letter Contact your representatives and pay attention to Darfur, (SN 10/5) Tom Choske urges his fellow students to support the legislation put forth by State Sen. Hansen Clarke and Rep. Alma Wheeler-Smith which would divest Michigan’s pension funds from corporations tied to the genocide or the Sudanese government.

Lastly, Bristow asks why the United States has the “supposed moral obligation to invade another country that has not attacked us.” This is surprising from the leader of an organization which is so focused on being pro-life and also on banning gay marriage because of its “immorality.” For someone so concerned with morals, he sure seems to ignore morality and the value of life when they matter most.

The bottom line is this: Innocent people are dying in Darfur, and we can help. Does anything else really matter?

Kari Jaksa

political theory, international relations and African studies junior

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