Monday, September 23, 2024

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America should aid in ending genocide in Darfur region

In Kyle Bristow’s letter, U.S. should stay out of Darfur and pay attention to itself (SN 10/9), he argues that America has no place in Darfur and that the next president should be more concerned about the U.S.-Mexico border. Are you kidding me? America has been policing the world for years. Now when there is something that actually needs doing we should ignore it? It isn’t about billions of dollars, it isn’t about national interest, it isn’t even about risking American lives.

It is about the fact that people are being mercilessly killed, and we don’t seem to care. It is about the fact that African lives are apparently not as important as American lives, dollars or efforts. I’m sorry, but any president and any person who says that an American life is worth more than the life of any other human is not someone I want to represent me or America.

It is despicable that we seem to be so concerned about immigrants and gay marriage while hundreds of thousands of innocent lives are being taken. When did we decide that genocide is OK so long as it happens in an area with no strategic value to us? And when did we decide that it isn’t in the best interest of our nation and our world to stop this when we see it happening? When are we going to look past our red, white and blue-blooded selfishness and do something about real injustice in the world?

Tory Harrington

communication junior

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