Monday, September 23, 2024

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Media has responsibility to thoroughly cover Jena 6 case

The media’s reaction to the Jena 6 case is embarrassing to the journalism field. The people that have the power to bring awareness to the injustice enforced upon these six boys are sitting down and taking their sweet old time to use the power invested with their “stroke of the pen.” The people who are actively trying to point out the government’s oppression against these black students have to stand alone. By the press sitting down, by being apathetic toward the case and because you’re not black are not good enough excuses. Because this occurred in Louisiana and not Lansing also is not an excuse.

This is not just an issue of responsibility with a journalist’s power to change society. Why wasn’t this specific case talked about or wrote about, and why was there no attention on it for months after it occurred? If this would have been six white boys who were under false accusations and unreasonable punishment, a lot more people would have cared to inform the public. Racism isn’t a generational topic, but it is an ongoing fight against the government and people that have the power to make changes in our society.

Alycia Cobb

James Madison College freshman

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