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YAF is not anti-semitic group, speaker beneficial

I read J. Edward Tremlett’s Campus speaker reinforces YAF’s ‘hate group’ status (SN 10/24) and felt obliged to set the record straight. YAF is not anti-Semitic as Tremlett implies. Not only does YAF have Jewish members, but we organized the protest when Great Issues brought Joe Carr to campus last year. Carr was paid with student tax dollars to come to MSU and rant and rave about the evils of Israel. Do a search of Carr’s name or visit his Web site at He is an “artist” who has written songs that honor Palestinian suicide bombers who kill innocent Jewish people on buses. If you visit the links section of his Web site, you will see that he posted a link to the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) Web site. ALF is a terrorist group that has attacked our university in the past by firebombing buildings, according to a previous article “Activists uncaged” (SN 4/27/04).

I find it necessary to point out what Tremlett neglected to say in his letter about our upcoming speaker. Nick Griffin is the leader of the fastest growing and fourth largest political party in Great Britain. The British National Party, or BNP, is hardly anti-Semitic; Jewish members of the BNP have been elected to political offices in the past. Griffin said a very controversial, inaccurate statement in the past but has since recanted it.

It is unfortunate that the liberals have to resort to lies, deceit and sometimes violence instead of contributing to political discourse in more mature ways. Perhaps they should host an event. This time, though, I recommend that they do not use student tax dollars to pay for an anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist speaker.

Kyle Bristow

international relations junior and Young Americans for Freedom chairman

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