Monday, September 23, 2024

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U.S. should stay out of Darfur and pay attention to itself

In Contact your representatives and pay attention to Darfur (SN 10/5), Tom Choske, the president of Spartans for Richardson, argues that our country should become involved in ending civil strife in Darfur. He neglects to explain why we should do this, how Darfur even matters to our national interest, or why it is our supposed moral obligation to invade another country that has not attacked us. The last elective war has cost our country thousands of lives and billions of dollars. Would it be radical to say that perhaps we should refrain from jumping into another one?

Choske seems to not understand exactly what is happening in Darfur. He concludes his letter by stating, “Help us prevent another 500,000 from dying a needless death because of our apathy.” Other than some sort of “America is the cause of the world’s problems” mentality that Choske may have, I cannot surmise why he absurdly thinks that it is “our apathy” that is killing people in Darfur. It is not “our apathy” that is doing the killing.

We need a president that will put our national interests first. The person who will take our soldiers out of the Middle East and put them on the U.S.-Mexican border will receive my vote in the next election.

Kyle Bristow

international relations junior and Young Americans for Freedom chairman

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